

   〒176-0002 東京都練馬区桜台2-36-2

P. Kapterev distinguishes between external and internal means of revitalizing lessons.

P. Kapterev distinguishes between external and internal means of revitalizing lessons.


P. Kapterev distinguishes between external and internal means of revitalizing lessons.

Shells are often painted in various exquisite colors: yellow, red, orange, etc. The color of the shell is formed due to the colorful sea plants eaten by mollusks.

This information provided by the teacher in the lesson was accompanied by various bright pictures of shells, which students could see on the interactive whiteboard.

Then, with the help of the Internet, we set off on a journey to the depths of the oceans and seas to see for ourselves the beauty and see the diversity of these mysterious creatures. Finally, of course, using an interactive whiteboard, we played a game "What does a mollusk like?", Where children, based on the information about the color of the mollusk, looked for his favorite food.

The use of an interactive complex makes the lesson informative and interesting. Today’s students are developed and intelligent children who have many questions and are eager to answer. The teacher must be ready for any questions from students, and enrich your lesson as much as possible with interesting and exciting material. The latest technologies are designed to help teachers: the Internet and an interactive complex that will not let any student get bored in class.

Author: K. Nechiporenko


Cognitive-active field of the lesson

Pedagogy is a science and an art. This opinion is inherent in the works of many teachers: K. Ushinsky, P. Kapterev, V. Sukhomlinsky, S. Amonashvili, I. Zyazyun. To comprehend it, one cannot limit oneself to the study of theoretical positions, but must master the pedagogical art

According to S. Honcharenko, teaching a subject is a creative process based on the amount of knowledge that should be given to students, and on the experience of the teacher, his personal qualities. Therefore, training can be considered similar to the activities of a doctor, musician or artist: "It harmoniously combines knowledge and art, the normative element and creativity."

The problem is that, considering the teacher as an artist, and pedagogical activity as artistic, we asked the question: "What is the product of the artistic activity of the teacher?". Naturally, the artist – the creator of the picture, the composer – the music, the actor – the stage image. To believe that the result of a teacher’s work is an educated, well-mannered person is not entirely correct, because in addition to the teacher, a number of factors are involved in this process: first of all – the individual, family, society.

In our opinion, every teacher is the creator of the world in which children live during a lesson, lesson, educational event, etc. This is the manifestation of the artistic nature of the teacher. In each case, entering the classroom, the teacher becomes the creator of a good, beautiful or soulless, joyless world. This world is a cognitively active field of aesthetic potential.

The philosophical substantiation of this statement is found in the concept of Academician V. Vernadsky on scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon of a cosmic nature.

The highlight of Vernadsky’s concept is the position that man exists as long as "until the material and energy exchange ceases" between him and the environment in which he lives. According to him, energy and material exchange between living organisms is carried out through "the field of life – both in the environment of gravity and in the microscopic section, where gravity is not dominant …".

According to V. Vernadsky, each individual is characterized by a "field of his own existence", which is characterized by rational and irrational elements. The field of personality is characterized by a combination of sensory and rational, subconscious and conscious, geonistic and heuristic. It is manifested in people’s attitudes to the world, as well as in phenomena that do not lend themselves to standard logical understanding: emotions, feelings, experiences, intuitive predictions, special scientific thoughts, inspiration, dreams, hallucinations … The field of an individual is in constant interaction with the fields other people.

In our opinion, when a group of people unites in order to perform a certain type of activity, the phenomenon of overlapping of separate fields occurs and a total field of activity arises. If pedagogical activity is considered as a process of energy and material exchange between teacher and students, it is legitimate to draw a conclusion about the cognitive-active field, which arises as a result of overlapping personal fields of teachers and students during a particular lesson or lesson.

In educational institutions the joint activity of teachers and students for the purpose of cognition is realized. The influence of the teacher’s field, the formed personality on the total (teacher + students) cognitive-active field is decisive.

The field of the teacher is dominant, because the fields of students are arbitrarily oriented, which is manifested in the rapid change of interests, feelings, attitudes to cognitive activity.

Consider in more detail the process of creating a cognitively active field by the teacher. Being a subject of the educational process, the teacher provides information with subjective characteristics. This is not about deforming the content of educational material. We mean that this content is presented in certain sensory-emotional images that arise in the imagination of the teacher. "Imagination – according to the famous philosopher, alchemist and physician of the XVI century. Paracelsus is the sun of the human soul … If the power of the imagination is sufficient to illuminate the whole inner world of man, then his imagination is able to create. Paracelsus argues that “the imagination is a tool. By the power of imagination, the will creates from thought existing forms – thought images. Imagination creates action. Due to the tension of mental energy (intelligence, emotions, feelings) the creative will of the teacher transmits the information image to students. In this regard, the famous Russian educator Peter Kapterev wrote: "The living, active nature of our ideas and all the products of the brain in general is manifested in many facts … if the images did not contain hidden energy, then where would such an intervention on their part in the flow of our life? "

Regardless of what subject is taught, the teacher consciously or at the subconscious level does not give students "naked" information, but passes it through the emotional sphere. This sensory-emotional sphere generates an information image, which, in turn, is a source of cognitive-active field that acts on the student through words, facial expressions, gestures of the teacher, the arsenal of teaching aids that he uses.

In the context of our study, P. Kapterev’s thoughts on ways to spiritualize the educational process are extremely interesting. The scientist’s thoughts are based on the belief that the actual scientific elements that determine the interest in lessons are joined by personal components, the carriers of which are the teacher: "The reasons for the attractiveness of lessons are not only purely scientific data, the properties of science itself, but largely in the teacher, in his lively and varied teaching of science. The same science in the teaching of different people often has an attractive effect of unequal force: in one teacher it wins, in another – loses.

P. Kapterev distinguishes between external and internal means of revitalizing lessons. To external he includes various kinds of clarity (pictures, schemes, demonstration experiments, etc.) and expressive acting ways of drawing attention to the educational material (change of voice dynamics, gestures, introduction of unusual sudden elements into the story: anecdote, figurative expression, comparison). If the teacher, using these external means, "plays a lesson, acts, falls into artificial pathos and spiritualization", the students’ attention is often focused not on the main idea of ​​the lesson, but on the small details. Students mostly memorize the minor aspects of this lesson, and therefore external means of spiritualizing the lesson are not effective if they are not related to internal ones. Among the internal means of reviving the lesson, P. Kapterev assigns "the teacher has a lively interest in his science … the teacher’s lively interest captures students, stimulates them to study science, and the teacher’s indifference leads to a decline in students’ interest. "

Thus, the teacher is the creator of the information image and the cognitive-active field, the carriers of which are the word and action of the teacher.

Depending on what is the product of the teacher’s work, you can determine the power and energy characteristics of the cognitive-active field. The cognitive-active field can be identified through the feelings and emotions experienced by all participants in the pedagogical process. The higher the intensity of feelings, the greater the force characteristic of the field. Depending on the feelings experienced by all participants in the pedagogical process – positive (joy, elation, creative success, inspiration, inspiration, love) or negative (fear, humiliation, violence, inability, helplessness), we determine the energy potential of the field – positive or negative. If the teacher instills strict discipline through humiliation, violence against students as if for a good cause (as soon as possible and best to teach), then in reality a negative cognitive-active field is formed, which is manifested in negative feelings: teachers – to students who do it without due diligence https://123helpme.me/write-my-lab-report/. instructions; students – to the teacher, to the lesson, to learning in general.

These emotional characteristics are very important. After all, L. Vygotsky argued that experience – is really a dynamic unit of consciousness, which presents all the signs of personality. And in A. Zaporozhets’ interpretation, emotions are the core of a person. Doctor of Psychological Sciences, Academician of RAO V. Zinchenko, developing these provisions, noted that “the role of emotions and feelings in the formation of a contradictory, and hence full-fledged, dynamic and fruitful triad: personality, consciousness, activity. They can cement, unite these formations into a single whole, into a "gathered man," and they can break this subtle unity from within. "

V. Vernadsky spoke very clearly about the unity of the rational and the sensual: “Is it possible to know and understand when the feeling is asleep, when the heart is not worried, when there are no living, elusive wide fantasies. They say: one mind can comprehend everything. Do not believe, do not believe! Those who have said so do not know what the mind is, they do not understand what excites and interests in those works that are considered intellectual works. I imagine the mind and feelings in a tightly intertwined tangle: one thread is the mind, and the other is the feeling, and everywhere they touch each other. "

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