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However, if the symptoms persist, a doctor’s visit is indicated.

However, if the symptoms persist, a doctor’s visit is indicated.


However, if the symptoms persist, a doctor’s visit is indicated.

The more time elapses between unprotected intercourse and taking the morning-after pill, the greater the risk that ovulation will occur. Preparations with the active ingredient levonorgestrel are approved for use up to a maximum of 72 hours (three days) after unprotected sexual intercourse, the preparation with the active ingredient ulipristal acetate for a maximum of 120 hours (five days) afterwards. Levonorgestrel is given in a single dose of 1.5 milligrams. The single dose of ulipristal acetate is 30 milligrams.

Beware of antibiotics: what makes the morning-after pill less effective

The effect of the morning-after pill can be reduced by certain substances, including St. John’s wort, antivirals, anti-epileptic drugs and antibiotics. Therefore, when talking to their doctor or pharmacist, women should always state the medication they are currently taking. Heavier body weight may also make the pill less effective. Doctors advise against taking it in the presence of severe liver dysfunction or asthma. Then the use of a copper IUD can be an alternative emergency contraception.

Possible side effects with the morning-after pill

Due to the high hormonal load after taking the morning-after pill, side effects can occur. These include menstrual disorders as well as dizziness, headaches, feelings of tension in the breasts and abdominal pain or cramps. The risk of thrombosis cannot be excluded.

To prevent nausea, women should eat something before ingestion. If you vomit within three hours of taking it, the effectiveness of the morning-after pill is at risk. Then another tablet of LNG or UPA must be taken immediately or a doctor must be consulted as soon as possible for alternative contraception.

Breastfeeding with the morning-after pill: is it possible?

Breastfeeding with the morning-after pill is basically possible, but with restrictions. Since the active ingredients pass into breast milk, an eight-hour break should be taken into account when taking LNG. Women should not breastfeed for a week after taking UPA.

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Source and further information: – Federal Association of German Pharmacists’ Associations (ABDA): https://www.abda.de/fileadmin/assets/Praktische_Hilfen/Leitlinien/Selbstmedikation/Anhang_1_Vergleich-Notfallkontrapeztiva_BAK_20151007.pdfhttps://www.abda.de/fileadmin/assets /ZDF/ZDF_2017/ZDF_17_48_Versorgung_Notfallverhuetmittel.pdfhttps://www.abda.de/fileadmin/assets/Praktische_Hilfen/Leitlinien/Selbstmedikation/Notfallkontrazeptiva_Handlungsempfänger-Checkliste_BAK_20151007.pdf- Bundeszentrale für Gesundheit (BZgAbzga): https://www.abda.de/fileadmin/assets/ /? uid = 78a2428a705a01210e4bcea47e29d7ab&id = media&sid = -1&idx = 1199- gynecologists online: https://www.frauenaerzte-im-netz.de/de_pille-danach_73.html

The copper IUD is one of the hormone-free and long-term contraceptive methods. You can find out how it works and what risks and side effects can occur here.

This is how a copper coil worksAdvantages of the copper coil

The copper IUD is a hormone-free contraceptive that is inserted into the uterus by the gynecologist. It is a so-called intrauterine device. Usually it consists of a rod-shaped plastic in a T-shape and is three to four centimeters long. The shaft is wrapped in fine copper wire. At the lower end of the spiral there are two safety or retrieval threads with which the copper spiral can be removed again. 

This is how a copper spiral works

The copper is crucial for the effectiveness of the intrauterine coil, as it is also called because of its position in the uterus. This continuously releases copper ions, which lead to a reduction in the mobility of the sperm. The texture of the uterine mucus also changes as a result of the spiral. If a sperm succeeds in fertilizing the egg, it cannot implant itself because the mucous membrane is too tight. The spiral does not affect the cycle. It offers around five years security against pregnancy. 

Overview of contraception methods
Photo series with 8 pictures

The Pearl Index: The so-called Pearl Index was developed so that the safety of contraceptive methods can be compared. The American biologist Raymond Pearl (1879-1940) brought it to life. The scale determines the reliability of the various contraceptive methods. New contraceptives and methods are still classified according to this index today. The scientific formula for this is: If 100 women use the same method of contraception for a year, the number of women who nevertheless become pregnant during this time corresponds to the Pearl Index. If five women become pregnant anyway, the Pearl Index of the chosen method is 5. The lower this value, the safer the contraceptive method.

Advantages of the copper spiral

The pearl index of the copper spiral is 0.9 to 3, depending on the copper concentration. It can also be lower and 0.4 to 1. The intrauterine coil is therefore considered to be very safe. The Pearl Index shows how many out of 100 women became pregnant while using this method of birth control over a period of one year. The lower the Pearl Index, the safer the method. Application errors, which often limit the safety of a contraceptive method and thus increase the Pearl Index, are almost impossible with the copper IUD, since it is used directly by the doctor.

Disadvantages of the copper spiral

One of the disadvantages of this hormone-free method of contraception is that it can affect menstrual cramps. The bleeding can be heavier, but it can also last longer. After six months, however, some of these side effects level off again. However, intermenstrual bleeding can sometimes occur. Other menstrual problems such as back and abdominal pain also increase in the first few months after the insertion of the IUD.

There is one important point to note about this method of contraception: the IUD does not provide protection against sexually transmitted diseases. Anyone who is not in a permanent partnership or who frequently changes sexual partners should therefore also use a condom to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. In some cases it happens that the man feels the withdrawal threads during intercourse. This can be remedied by shortening the threads.

Insert copper IUD: Only from a doctor

Women who would like to have a copper IUD inserted should consult a gynecologist they trust. As a rule, the procedure is only carried out after extensive advice on side effects and contraindications. The size and shape of the uterus are examined to determine the appropriate size. With a smear, the doctor can convince himself that there are no infections. The best time to start is during or at the end of your menstrual period. In this way it can be ruled out that a pregnancy exists. In addition, the cervix is ​​widened by the bleeding, which can make the insertion easier and therefore less noticeable.

During insertion, the doctor gently pushes the copper IUD into the cervix using a tubular applicator. When it is in place, the upper part of the intrauterine coil unfolds and provides support. The shaft, which is wrapped in copper, acts as a stabilizer. In this position, the retrieval threads protrude into the vagina. The doctor cuts it to about two centimeters. The correct position of the spiral is checked with ultrasound. An inspection takes place annually. 

How painful is the onset?

According to surveys, three quarters of women find the insertion of the copper IUD to be slightly painful. For some women, however, the onset is also associated with greater pain. People who are particularly sensitive to pain sometimes experience circulatory problems that can lead to collapse. In order to counteract this, a drug can be taken in advance, which additionally dilates the cervix. Local anesthesia of the affected region is also possible. It is also possible to take painkillers to alleviate the symptoms. Pain after onset is not uncommon for the first six months. However, if the symptoms persist, a doctor’s visit is indicated.

What does a copper coil cost?

Depending on the model, the price for a copper spiral is between 120 and 300 euros, like the portal "Familienplanung.de" the Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA). The price includes the consultation, the examination and the insertion of the IUD. The first follow-up examination with ultrasound is covered by the statutory health insurance. You have to pay for all further ultrasound examinations yourself. The costs are around 40 euros for the annual inspection. If you are privately insured, find out about the applicable regulations in advance.

When a copper coil is out of the question

There are several contraindications to the use of the copper coil:

It must not be used in an existing pregnancy. If a woman becomes pregnant despite contraception, the intrauterine coil should be removed. It can cause complications in the pregnant woman’s body and, for example, increase the risk of infection. However, if a woman already has a fallopian tube, there is a risk of miscarriage – or had an ectopic pregnancy, this method of contraception is out of the question, as an existing copper allergy and infection with a sexually transmitted disease within the last year are further contraindications.

Possible side effects of the intrauterine coil

Side effects can occur particularly in the first month after inserting the copper IUD. During this period, the risk of an abdominal infection increases – albeit only slightly. According to the association for family planning, sex education and sex counseling "Pro Familia" six out of 1,000 women are affected. The infection manifests itself as a fever and discharge. If possible, it should be treated with medication as soon as possible, otherwise the risks of infertility or an ectopic pregnancy can increase.

It can happen that the uterus is injured when it is inserted. This is extremely rare, but there is a risk that the copper coil will penetrate all or adultfriendfinder part of the abdominal cavity. In this rare case, surgery will be necessary. In general, it is also possible for the spiral to slip. However, this is not triggered by sexual intercourse, sport or physical work, but by the monthly menstrual period. The coil can slip into the cervix and is no longer effective. The doctor should correct the fit in this case.

Then spiral: important information about emergency contraception

A special variant of the copper IUD, which is used as emergency contraception, is the IUD afterwards.

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